What to do with your time when you are retired.

I find that learning to play a musical intrument, and painting have benn a great help in keeping me active. Having a motorhome has enabled me to travel widely, both in the UK and in Europe.
Is there anything else to do?

There are many organisations which will help find a suitable volunteering opportunity, from local charities to national and international NGOs, or possibly getting involved in local politics.
What questions should I ask?

You will need to know the skills required, and whether you will receive any training, and how much time will be expected from you. You will also need to know how far you will need to travel, and whether travel expenses can be claimed.

Motorhoming Fun!

Works by Leonardo DaVinci

Having acquired a lovely motorhome, I shall be out and about, and I shall record my journeys in my Blog

The motorhome is a lovely Mercedes based Auto-Trail Cheyenne. I anticipate that I will be taking a trailer for the bike and bit and pieces needed for the dog, although for short trips, I will leave it behind.

Auto-Trail Cheyenne 634L SE

Travelling abroad.
Having spent 6 weeks 4 years running touring France. Please look at my Blog to follow where I have been.

Contact Information

155 Folkestone Road, Dover, Kent CT17 9SG
Phone: 01304 214240
Mobile 07887 477 276
E-mail: info@hanagan.me.uk